Prestito Progettualità PNRR - FNC | CDP

NRRP/National Complementary Fund Project Loan

We are supporting authorities to prepare project documentation for investments under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan or the National Complementary Fund.

Who it is aimed at

Municipalities, metropolitan cities and provinces, implementing authorities of investments under the NRRP and National Complementary Fund, which have applied for or are already recipients of PNRR/National Complementary Fund resources (Grants) at the date of the loan application (CDP Circular No. 1280/2013).

How it works

The NRRP/National Complementary Fund Project Loan can be used to finance the costs of preparing project documentation for investments under in the NRRP or National Complementary Fund, starting from a minimum amount of €2,500.00.

The disbursed sums must be repaid upon receipt of the Grant, without any additional charge.

The financed sum is disbursed, in one or more instalments, in accordance with CDP's usual procedures.

The amortisation of the loan has a term of five years and commences on 1 January of the second calendar year following the date on which the contract is entered into and ends on the maturity date of the loan.

The loan will be available from CDP until 31 December 2024.

How to apply

Apply online at Local Authorities and PA Portal



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