Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | CDP

Each day we build an open, plural community, where everyone can best express their own potential.


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We are committed to creating a governance system that enables everyone to express themselves


We promote the value of diversity through training, experience and involving people


Transparency, impartiality, merit and inclusion are the principles underpinning our processes that guarantee fair access to opportunities


Our goal is to have an impact on our ecosystem, sharing and developing DE&I initiatives with our stakeholders and civil society



Many people, one team

The diversity of people is a value that feeds creativity, innovation, productivity and the generation of ideas, improving the working climate and promoting a diverse cultural environment, and so we protect it in all its forms, which include gender, age, disability, culture, gender identity and affirmation, and sexual and emotional orientation.

In 2022, we approved the first “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” Policy", which sets out the guiding principles and operating procedures to promote these values with internal and external stakeholders.



UNI PdR 125:2022 certification

In 2023, we obtained UNI PdR 125:2022 gender certification, which is part of the company’s broader-ranging strategy for diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I).

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ISO 30415:2021 certification

In 2024 we obtained the certificate of conformity to the international standard 'ISO 30415', which demonstrates our commitment to enhancing the principles of diversity and inclusion, ensuring that every person, both internally and externally to the company, can have equal access to opportunity.

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Our Activities:

  • Each year we monitor the gender pay gap and develop initiatives necessary to fill any gaps identified, to actively promote pay equity.
  • Through professional development programmes, we are committed to achieving a gender balance, with the aim of promoting fair career advancement that encourages both women and men equally, based on individual merit.
  • We are committed to acting along the entire value change, supporting women in business and working with suppliers, business counterparts, stakeholders and partners that adopt and share diversity and inclusion practices.
  • We promote a Multistakeholder Forum to consolidate engagement and dialogue with civil society, with a working group on DE&I – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion issues, to increasingly involve more partners outside CDP.
  • We support the value and associations of the CDP Group Women’s Association, which helps us in organising and coordinating volunteer work and training on gender issues.

Engagement and involvement

We encourage the entire company’s involvement in generating new ideas, to promote inclusion and positive change that can create an impact. For this reason, we have launched the following initiatives.


A monthly event giving the opportunity to discuss current topics with notable guests.


A mentoring and job shadowing initiative, developed through the «If I Were You» platform, to exchange experiences with other colleagues.


A digital space for engagement, open to all our people, where they can put their ideas into practice or enhance and vote for others’ ideas.


A company volunteering programme, launched in partnership with Fondazione CDP and prominent non-profit organisations. Colleagues who wish to join the initiative can dedicate an entire working day or their free time to activities that create value in local communities.


Endorsing our commitment

We endorse and support associations, programmes and initiatives dedicated to combating all forms of discrimination that promote cultural change:

4 Weeks for Inclusion: a month’s “marathon” of digital events involving over 300 companies, promoting interdisciplinary debate on fostering diversity.

No Women, no Panel: the campaign launched by the European Commission to guarantee the equal representation of men and women at events, on panels and in discussions.

Associazione Donne: an initiative open to all people in the Group that share a commitment to empowering the skills and role of women at work and in civil society, with the aim of promoting gender equality and inclusion, overcoming all forms of discrimination.

Parks Liberi e Uguali: an association created to help member companies understand and make the most of their business potential connected with the development of strategies that respect dignity, with a focus on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Target Gender Equality: a programme to accelerate gender equality for member companies of the United Nations Global Compact.

Valore D: the first business association in Italy which for over ten years has been committed to gender equality and an inclusive culture.

Women’s Forum G20

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