The CDP Group is dedicated to advancing Italy's sustainable development, consistently striving for substantial environmental, economic, and social benefits for the country.
We work to ensure all our digital channels are accessible, providing an efficient and inclusive browsing experience. We aim to offer everyone equal access, regardless of their conditions and abilities. We commit to ensuring our website is accessible, in line with Law no. 4 of 9 January 2004. We will also meet the requirements outlined in Appendix A of the UNI CEI EN 301549 standard. The website also employs AccessiWay technology, enabling individuals with certain disabilities to tailor the website's interface and functions to their personal needs.
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA (hereinafter “CDP”) is committed to making its website accessible, pursuant to Law no. 4 of 9 January 2004. This accessibility statement applies to the website
Partially compliant
The website partially complies with the requirements of Appendix A to the UNI CEI EN 301549 standard, due to the instances of non-compliance listed below.
This statement was prepared on 23/01/2025.
The information in the statement was obtained through an assessment carried out by third parties.
CDP offers a feedback system for reporting instances of non-compliance and to request information or content not covered by the directive. Please email
If you're not satisfied with the response, or if there's no response within thirty days to your notification or request, you can file a report using this link:
Website publication date: 31/05/2019
Have usability tests been carried out? No
Content Management System (CMS) used: Entando
The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons of non-compliance with Law no. 4 of 9 January 2004:
Currently there are no accessible alternatives as work is carried out to apply specific actions to solve identified problems.