Financing for investments in emerging markets | CDP

Medium-long term finance

We finance the growth of your business over the medium to long term in sectors with a high

We finance the growth of your business over the medium to long term in sectors with a high environmental, economic and social impact, promoting the development of a vibrant business environment in emerging economies.

Who are they for?

Medium-sized and large companies, including local subsidiaries and joint ventures with local partners.

How they work

We support your business with medium to long-term financing, in the form of loans and/or guarantees, enabling you to finance your company's investment plans in emerging markets. As the Italian Financial Institution for Development Cooperation, we support the growth of sectors with high environmental and social impact, such as:

  • infrastructure and energy;
  • agribusiness and manufacturing;
  • digitisation and innovation of SMEs.

Medium to long-term financing gives your business more flexibility in terms of the amount, duration and the repayment plan. In addition, you can benefit from our international network to structure a financing pool with other international development banks and multilateral organisations active in the world of development finance.

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