€1.9 million from the Connecting Europe Facility programme
Increasing the availability of biomethane for transport in Italy, with a view to developing the circular economy and sustainable mobility. This is the idea behind SNAM's Bio-LNG 4 Italy project, which received a €1.9 million grant from the European Union as part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding programme. The CEF is a European Commission programme that aims to provide financial support for specific transport projects in Europe, that are backed by private investors and supported by financial institutions (such as the European Fund for Strategic Investments and the EIB),with a budget of €198 million.
This is the first CEF grant to be awarded to an Italian project with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti as the initiative's Implementing Partner.
The project includes the development of eight liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquid biomethane (Bio-LNG) refuelling stations across the Italian peninsula (six in Central-Southern Italy and two in the North), the construction of a plant for liquefying gas and biomethane from pipelines, and the construction of loading bays for refuelling LNG tankers at the Panigaglia terminal.
This deal is consistent with the sustainable development strategy approved in CDP's 2019-2021 Business Plan, which focuses on strengthening and modernising the infrastructure network, supporting the energy transition and combating climate change, among other things.