The plan is focused on sustainable, inclusive and impactful investments for Italy's growth
Aiming for sustainable economic growth, closing the country's gaps and identifying priorities for action, supporting regions and businesses, adopting sectoral funding policies on the basis of the respect of ESG criteria.
These are the objectives and tools of CDP's 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, approved today by the Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, and outlined by Chairman Giovanni Gorno Tempini and CEO Dario Scannapieco at the presentation press conference, attended by Minister of Economy and Finance Daniele Franco and President of ACRI Francesco Profumo.
The Plan identified four major challenges to be addressed to allow for a concrete contribution to be made to relaunching the Italian economy over the next three years: climate change and ecosystem protection, inclusive and sustainable growth, rethinking supply chains and digitization and innovation.
These challenges correspond to ten fields of action for CDP, which will base its commitment on meeting the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, while also including many of the missions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).
In detail, the operational strategy is based on three major transformational pillars, which will steer CDP's activities across the board:
Overall, over the next three years CDP will commit funds totaling €65 billion (+5% on the previous period), attracting €63 billion from third parties (+27%) and activating investments totaling €128 billion (+14%). This growth will be constant throughout the Plan and aims to generate a strong economic and social impact, with concrete and tangible positive effects for businesses, public administration and families.
Only through the contribution of people can these challenges be met and objectives achieved. To this end, the new Strategic Plan has identified the five principles that will guide CDP's culture over the next three years (skills, inclusion, environment, integrity and impact), to promote gender equality, create an increasingly open and inclusive work environment and strengthen the involvement with people and communities.