Anci 2018: CDP alongside the local authorities

Anci 2018: CDP alongside the local authorities

From 23 to 25 October, Rimini hosts the XXXV edition of the Assemblea Nazionale dei Comuni Italiani (National Assembly of Italian Municipalities).Working closely with the region and promoting sustainable growth are the themes at the heart of the speech delivered by Cassa depositi e prestiti Chairman Massimo Tononi

Rimini October 24, 2018

“Prima Cittadini. Sindaci, fuori dal luogo Comune” (Mayors, outside of the Communal space) is the title of the XXXV edition of the Assemblea Nazionale dei Comuni Italiani event, held in Rimini from 23 to 25 October.

The event represents a key opportunity for administrators, institutions and operators to meet and discuss, with a view to pinpointing common solutions and to contributing to the growth of local companies, with focus on sustainability. For CDP, working closely with the region and providing support to local authorities are historical commitments.

Since 1850, we have been investing in the growth of the system, taking a long-term view, and in global sustainability, as highlighted by the Chairman of CDP Massimo Tononi during his speech at Anci 2018. We support the growth of the region through a host of initiatives. We are active in the social housing sector, for example, with the Investment Fondo Investimenti per l'Abitare (FIA), a fund of funds managed by CDP, and in which the Group also is the investor of reference (with €1 billion of capital, equal to 50% of the total financial allocation of around €2 billion).

We are also involved in projects focused on school buildings, an essential area of intervention for the social and economic development of the region – we have provided more than €3.2 billion to help such initiatives since 2010 (both CDP and state resources). Indeed, CDP finances the construction, expansion and renovation of school buildings of all types and levels, allocating resources to non-routine renovation work, as well as to improvement and safety initiatives, earthquake-proofing operations and energy efficiency measures.

Our aim is to create a presence within the region that is more widespread and effective, becoming increasingly more deeply engaged in giving support to local authorities and promoting initiatives that can lead to positive outcomes for the entire community.

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