Accelerate the implementation of investments financed by the NRRP and the National Complementary Plan with our technical-operational advisory service
Central government holding bodies and implementing authorities of investments under the NRRP and NCP.
We offer strategic advice to the central government bodies holding NRRP and NCP investments and, through them, to the implementing authorities in order to accelerate the implementation of investments, ensuring they are on time and in accordance with the procedures set out in the Plan.
The service can be accessed in two different ways:
Our service offers three assistance levels to meet the needs and requirements of central government and local administrations and to offer technical-administrative and economic-financial assistance throughout the entire implementation phase of the NRRP.
Centralised support for holding bodies through the coordination, steering and monitoring of NRRP measures by offering Programme and Project Management activities to streamline investment management and implementation processes. Activities accessed in accordance with the terms of the CDP-MEF Agreement
In the implementation of the CDP-MEF Agreement, central government bodies in charge of NRRP measures may submit their requests for assistance to the MEF-RGS-Central Service for the NRRP, as provided for in RGS Circular No. 6 of 24 January 2022, while local administrations in charge of implementing individual projects may make their requests to the central government bodies in charge of relevant NRRP measure.
Pursuant to Art. 10 of Decree-Law No. 77 of 31 May 2021, local administrations may make direct use of advisory services through special agreements entered into directly with CDP. Interested parties can contact their CDP liaison to arrange a meeting with the specialists from the CDP Group.