CDP Equity

CDP Equity

A strategic investor and a trustworthy partner for growth and the sustainable development of Italian companies

We provide patient capital to protect assets that are fundamental for the country, to enable long-term investments, support innovation and promote internationalisation processes


CDP Equity is a patient long-term investor and acts according to market logic. Interventions in strategic sectors, with adequate market returns are inherent to its mission: to support Italy’s development. CDP Equity is a company that is 100 % owned by the CDP Group.

It has significant holdings in large Italian companies and, with its asset management subsidiaries, it is the largest Italian investor in the field of venture capital, private equity and private debt.


The business

CDP Equity invests in companies of significant national interest, through direct and indirect shareholdings. It provides capital for the long-term development of organisations in key sectors in order to promote innovation in technologies and infrastructure which are essential to grow the country system. Through investments in funds and funds of funds, it supports the Italian business ecosystem. It is also a leading investor in alternative assets.


9.7bn €

Invested capital


Companies in the portfolio


Fund subscriptions


The Board of Directors, the supervisory bodies and corporate documents.

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Annual Reports

Consult the annual financial reports of CDP Equity S.p.A.

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Membership & Partnership

Discover the partnerships and joint ventures through which we operate on the international market.

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Direct investments in listed and unlisted companies and indirect investments by means of investee asset management companies.​

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CDP EQUITY and the InvestEU Programme

In April 2022, CDP Equity was designated Implementing Partner for managing the EU programmes under the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021 - 2027.

Press releases

Read all the press releases issued by the company.

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Company data

CDP Equity S.p.A. - Subject to management and coordination under Italian Law by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A.

  • Registered Office: Via San Marco, 21 A - 20121 Milan
  • Share Capital: Euro 2,890,583,470.00 i.v.
  • Business Register of Milan no. 07532930968
  • Registered with Chamber of Commerce of Milan:  no. REA 1965330
  • Tax Code and VAT number: 07532930968
  • Tel. +39 02 46744333
  • Email:
  • PEC:

Whistleblowing: notifications of illegal conduct

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