CDP SpA Advisory Hub Contribution Agreement

CDP SpA Advisory Hub Contribution Agreement

On 4 July 2022, CDP SpA signed the first Contribution Agreement with the European Commission in the InvestEU Advisory area worth 6.7 million euro, of which 5 million euro came from the European budget and about 1.7 million euro from CDP itself.

The Agreement makes it possible for CDP to:

  • Provide advisory services on technical, economic, financial, administrative and other issues in all phases of the project life cycle to public (central and local administrations etc.) and private implementing entities for the development of strategic infrastructure projects, including through the establishment of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) (Project Advisory).
  • Support and strengthen the capacities (financial, technical, administrative, etc.) of implementing entities for the development of investment projects (Capacity Building).
  • Support market development and awareness through studies, prior assessments, web platforms for sharing best practices, seminars, workshops, events and so on (Market Development).

The Advisory activities offered by CDP focus on two of the four Policy Windows of the InvestEU Programme: 

  • Sustainable infrastructure (mainly energy, transport and logistics and digital infrastructure).
  • Social infrastructure and skills (mainly the construction of public, school and healthcare buildings).

The implementation period of the Contribution Agreement is currently three years (from 2022 to 2024).

Any queries about possible advisory services should be submitted to the support request system of the European Commission's InvestEU Advisory Hub - Central Entry Point.

Initiatives organised

As an InvestEU Advisory Partner, as at 31 December 2023 CDP supported the investments of public administrations (mainly local governments) through the provision of advisory services for 120 projects in the following sectors, for which a summary of the main activities carried out is provided below:

  • Natural Resources, Energy and Environment: support for the development of projects that aim to (i) reduce consumption and emissions (transition to clean energy), (ii) achieve energy efficiency/savings (through building renovation), (iii) contribute to sustainability, and (iv) support disadvantaged areas and promote the circular economy.
  • Transportation: support for transport and mobility initiatives, including the prior assessment of projects, as well as support in the authorisation process and technical assistance in obtaining public funds.
  • Social Infrastructure and Urban Development: support for the development of innovative and sustainable infrastructure projects in the fields of education (schools and universities) and healthcare (mainly hospitals), as well as for the identification and development of urban regeneration initiatives through market analysis, sharing of best practices and support in the drafting of project business plans.
  • Innovation and Digital Infrastructure: support for research, development and innovation projects in the areas of sustainable and social infrastructure.

The types and numbers of counterparties supported as at 31 December 2023 are shown below:

Counterparties Number
Central Admin. / Other public bodies 4
Port system authority 4
Local health / University Hospital 3
Metropolitan city 2
Municipality 20
Province 15
Region 6
University 1


Through these activities, CDP seeks to support infrastructure development, the attraction of private investment through PPPs and the strengthening of counterparts' capacities in technical, financial and regulatory areas. The goal is to support the completion of projects that contribute to Italy's economic progress and to closing the infrastructure gap with other European countries.


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Advertising message for promotional purposes. Product offered by CDP. This operation benefits from support from the European Union under the InvestEU Fund.